
WordPress Ping list 2017

Introduction to WordPress Ping List 2017

WordPress Ping List is a valuable tool for bloggers and website owners to notify search engines and other websites about new content on their WordPress site. It plays a crucial role in increasing the visibility and reach of the content, ultimately driving more traffic to the website.

What is a WordPress Ping List?

A WordPress Ping List is a list of websites that WordPress automatically notifies when new content is published on a website. This notification, known as a “ping,” alerts search engines and other websites about the new content, prompting them to crawl and index the website, thus increasing its visibility in search results.

Importance for Bloggers and Website Owners

For bloggers and website owners, having an updated and comprehensive WordPress Ping List is crucial for ensuring that their new content is promptly indexed by search engines and reaches a wider audience. By leveraging the ping list, they can drive more organic traffic to their website and improve their overall online presence.

How Does a Ping List Work?

When a new post is published on a WordPress site, the platform automatically sends out a ping to the websites listed in the ping list. This ping notifies the listed websites about the new content, prompting them to visit the website and index the new post. As a result, the new content becomes visible in search results and is more likely to be discovered by users.

Role in Notifying Search Engines and Other Websites

The WordPress Ping List plays a crucial role in notifying search engines, blog directories, and other websites about new content on a WordPress site. By keeping the ping list updated and relevant, bloggers and website owners can ensure that their content is promptly indexed and reaches a wider audience, ultimately driving more traffic to their website.

Benefits of Using a WordPress Ping List

In today’s digital age, it’s crucial for businesses to maximize their online visibility and drive traffic to their websites. One effective way to achieve this is by using an updated ping list for WordPress. By regularly pinging search engines and other relevant websites, businesses can significantly increase their website traffic and visibility.

Increased Website Traffic and Visibility

Using an updated ping list for WordPress can lead to a potential increase in website traffic and visibility. When a new post or page is published on a WordPress website, the ping list notifies search engines and other relevant websites about the new content. This can result in faster indexing of the content and improved visibility in search engine results, ultimately driving more traffic to the website.

Staying Current with the Latest Ping List

It’s important for businesses to stay current with the latest ping list to maximize the impact of content promotion. Search engines and other websites frequently update their ping servers, and using an outdated ping list can lead to missed opportunities for content promotion. By regularly updating the ping list, businesses can ensure that their content is being effectively promoted to a wide audience, ultimately increasing website traffic and visibility.

How to Update and Use a WordPress Ping List

Updating and using a WordPress ping list is an essential part of promoting your website’s content and increasing its visibility. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of updating and using a WordPress ping list in 2017.

Updating Your WordPress Ping List

To update your WordPress ping list, start by logging into your WordPress dashboard and navigating to the “Settings” tab. From there, click on “Writing” and scroll down to the “Update Services” section. Here, you can add or remove ping services and websites to include in your updated ping list.

Recommended Ping Services and Websites

When updating your WordPress ping list, it’s important to include a mix of popular and niche ping services and websites to ensure maximum visibility for your content. Some recommended ping services and websites to include in your updated ping list are Ping-O-Matic, Google Blog Search, Feedburner, and Technorati.

Tips for Optimizing Your Ping List

Optimizing your ping list is crucial for effective content promotion and increased website visibility. To optimize your ping list, consider the following tips:
– Regularly update your ping list to include new and relevant ping services and websites.
– Avoid over-pinging by limiting the number of ping services and websites in your list to the most essential ones.
– Monitor your website’s traffic and engagement to assess the effectiveness of your ping list and make adjustments as needed.

By following these steps and tips, you can ensure that your WordPress ping list is up to date and optimized for maximum content promotion and website visibility in 2017.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using a WordPress Ping List

When it comes to using a WordPress ping list, there are several common mistakes that bloggers and website owners often make. These mistakes can hinder the effectiveness of the ping list and prevent their website from getting the attention it deserves. In this blog post, we will identify these common mistakes and provide solutions and best practices for avoiding them.

Not Updating the Ping List Regularly

One of the most common mistakes that bloggers and website owners make is failing to regularly review and update their WordPress ping list. Over time, some of the ping services on the list may become obsolete or ineffective, while new ones may emerge. By not updating the ping list regularly, website owners miss out on the opportunity to maximize the benefits of using a ping list.

Using an Overly Long Ping List

Another mistake that many bloggers make is using an overly long ping list. While it may seem like a good idea to include as many ping services as possible, using too many can actually have a negative impact on the website’s performance. It can slow down the website and even lead to it being flagged as spam. It’s important to carefully curate the ping list and include only the most relevant and effective ping services.

Not Utilizing Ping Optimizer Plugins

Many bloggers and website owners fail to take advantage of ping optimizer plugins, which can help to streamline the ping process and prevent over-pinging. These plugins allow users to set a schedule for when pings are sent out, as well as to exclude certain posts or pages from being pinged. By not utilizing these plugins, website owners may be missing out on an opportunity to optimize their ping list for maximum effectiveness.

Ignoring the Impact of Ping Frequency

Finally, another common mistake is ignoring the impact of ping frequency. Some bloggers may set their ping list to ping every time they publish a new post, without considering the potential negative effects of over-pinging. It’s important to strike a balance and only ping when necessary, to avoid being flagged as spam and to ensure that the ping services are being used effectively.


By avoiding these common mistakes and following best practices for using a WordPress ping list, bloggers and website owners can maximize the benefits of using a ping list and ensure that their website gets the attention it deserves. Regularly reviewing and updating the ping list, using a curated list of ping services, utilizing ping optimizer plugins, and being mindful of ping frequency are all essential for optimizing the performance of a WordPress ping list.

What is a WordPress Ping list?

A WordPress Ping list is a list of websites that WordPress will automatically notify when you publish new content on your website. This notification, known as a “ping,” alerts these websites that your site has been updated and can help increase your website’s visibility and reach.

Why is it important to update the WordPress Ping list?

Updating the WordPress Ping list is important because it ensures that your website is notifying the most relevant and up-to-date websites when you publish new content. This can help improve your website’s search engine rankings and increase its visibility on the internet.

How can I update my WordPress Ping list?

You can update your WordPress Ping list by accessing the “Writing” settings in your WordPress dashboard and adding or removing websites from the “Update Services” section. There are also updated Ping lists available online that you can copy and paste into this section to ensure your website is notifying the most relevant websites.

What are some popular websites to include in a WordPress Ping list?

Some popular websites to include in a WordPress Ping list are search engines like Google and Bing, blog directories like Technorati, and content aggregators like Feedburner. Additionally, you can include popular social media platforms and news websites to further increase your website’s visibility.