
WordPress Featured Image not Showing

Introduction: The Importance of Properly Displayed Featured Images in WordPress

In today’s digital age, having a visually appealing website is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. One of the key elements of a visually appealing website is the proper display of featured images. Featured images are the primary images that represent the content of a post or page on a WordPress website. It is important for WordPress users to have their featured images displayed properly as it can significantly impact the overall user experience and the success of their website.

The Impact of Not Having Featured Images Displayed

When featured images are not displayed properly on a website, it can have a negative impact on the overall user experience. Users may be greeted with broken or missing images, which can make the website appear unprofessional and untrustworthy. Additionally, not having featured images displayed can also affect the website’s search engine optimization (SEO) as search engines prioritize websites with visually appealing and properly displayed images.

Decreased User Engagement

Properly displayed featured images play a crucial role in capturing the attention of website visitors. When featured images are not displayed, users may be less likely to engage with the content and may quickly navigate away from the website. This can result in decreased user engagement, higher bounce rates, and ultimately, a negative impact on the website’s overall performance.

Diminished Brand Image

Featured images are often the first visual representation of a post or page, and they contribute to the overall branding and image of a website. When featured images are not displayed properly, it can diminish the brand image and credibility of the website. Users may perceive the website as unprofessional and may be less likely to trust the content and offerings presented.

Missed Opportunities for Social Sharing

Properly displayed featured images are essential for social sharing. When users share content from a website on social media platforms, the featured image is often displayed alongside the shared link. If featured images are not displayed properly, it can result in missed opportunities for social sharing and decreased visibility on social media platforms.


In conclusion, the proper display of featured images is crucial for WordPress users to enhance the overall user experience, maintain a strong brand image, and maximize opportunities for engagement and social sharing. It is important for website owners and developers to prioritize the proper display of featured images to ensure the success and effectiveness of their WordPress websites.

Possible Causes of the Issue

One of the most common issues that WordPress users encounter is the featured images not showing up on their website. There are several potential reasons for this problem, including issues with the theme, plugins, or settings within WordPress itself. In this blog post, we will outline some of the possible causes of this issue and provide examples of common troubleshooting steps that users can take to identify the cause of the problem.

Theme Compatibility

One potential cause of featured images not showing up on a WordPress website is theme compatibility. Some themes may not support featured images, or there may be conflicts with the theme’s code that prevent the images from displaying properly. Users can troubleshoot this issue by switching to a default WordPress theme to see if the problem persists. If the images display correctly with a different theme, then the original theme may be the cause of the issue.

Plugin Conflicts

Another potential cause of featured images not showing up is plugin conflicts. Certain plugins may interfere with the functionality of featured images, causing them to not display as intended. Users can troubleshoot this issue by deactivating all plugins and then reactivating them one by one to identify if a specific plugin is causing the problem. Additionally, users can check for updates to their plugins to ensure that they are compatible with the latest version of WordPress.

WordPress Settings

Issues with the settings within WordPress itself can also cause featured images to not display on a website. Users can troubleshoot this issue by checking the media settings in the WordPress dashboard to ensure that the image sizes are set correctly. Additionally, users can verify that the featured image option is enabled for their posts or pages. It is also important to check for any recent changes to the WordPress settings that may have inadvertently affected the display of featured images.

Image File Size and Format

Sometimes, the issue with featured images not showing up may be related to the file size or format of the images themselves. Users should ensure that the images they are trying to use as featured images are in a supported file format, such as JPEG or PNG. Additionally, users should optimize the file size of the images to ensure that they load quickly and do not cause any display issues on the website.


In conclusion, there are several potential causes of featured images not showing up on a WordPress website, including theme compatibility, plugin conflicts, WordPress settings, and image file size and format. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this blog post, users can identify the cause of the problem and take the necessary steps to resolve it.

Practical Solutions for Resolving Featured Images Not Showing on a WordPress Website

Check Image Size and Format

When featured images are not showing on a WordPress website, the first step is to check the size and format of the images being used. Ensure that the images meet the recommended size requirements for the theme being used. Additionally, verify that the images are in a supported format such as JPEG, PNG, or GIF. If the images do not meet these criteria, resize or convert them accordingly.

Adjust Settings Within the Theme or Plugins

Sometimes, the issue of featured images not showing can be attributed to settings within the theme or plugins being used on the WordPress website. Access the theme settings and review the options related to featured images. Similarly, if there are any plugins specifically designed to handle featured images, check their settings as well. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the settings are configured correctly.

Use a Different Method to Set the Featured Image

If the default method of setting featured images is not working, consider using a different approach. For example, instead of setting the featured image through the WordPress dashboard, try using a different method such as directly adding the image to the theme files or using a custom field. Experiment with alternative methods to see if the featured images start displaying as intended.

Clear Instructions and Tips for Implementation

When implementing the solutions mentioned above, it is important to follow clear instructions and tips to ensure effectiveness. Provide step-by-step guidance for checking image size and format, adjusting settings within the theme or plugins, and using a different method to set the featured image. Additionally, offer tips such as backing up the website before making any changes and testing the featured images on different devices and browsers.

By following these practical solutions and implementing them effectively, the issue of featured images not showing on a WordPress website can be resolved, ensuring a seamless and visually appealing user experience.

Additional resources and support

When it comes to troubleshooting issues with featured images on WordPress, it’s important to know where to turn for additional resources and support. Directing readers to the right places for help can make all the difference in resolving the issue effectively.

WordPress forums

One of the best places to seek help with WordPress-related issues is the official WordPress forums. These forums are filled with knowledgeable and experienced users who are often willing to lend a helping hand. Encourage readers to search the forums for similar issues or to post their own questions for the community to assist with.

Support documentation

WordPress also offers extensive support documentation that covers a wide range of topics, including troubleshooting common issues. Direct readers to the official WordPress support documentation, where they can find step-by-step guides and tutorials for resolving problems with featured images and other aspects of their website.


There are countless tutorials available online that provide in-depth guidance on troubleshooting and fixing problems with featured images on WordPress. Encourage readers to search for tutorials specific to their issue, whether it’s related to image sizing, formatting, or display issues. Websites like WPBeginner and Smashing Magazine often have helpful tutorials on WordPress-related topics.

Seek help from the WordPress community

If readers are unable to resolve the issue on their own, it’s important to encourage them to seek help from the broader WordPress community. Whether it’s through social media groups, local meetups, or other online communities, there are plenty of opportunities for WordPress users to connect with others who can offer assistance and support.

Why is my WordPress featured image not showing?

There could be several reasons why your WordPress featured image is not showing. It could be due to a theme or plugin conflict, incorrect image settings, or a problem with your WordPress installation. It’s important to troubleshoot each of these potential issues to determine the root cause.

How can I troubleshoot my WordPress featured image not showing?

To troubleshoot your WordPress featured image not showing, you can start by deactivating all plugins and switching to a default theme to see if the issue persists. You can also check the image settings in your WordPress dashboard to ensure that the featured image is properly set for each post. Additionally, you can review your WordPress installation for any potential issues that may be causing the problem.

What are some common solutions for fixing a WordPress featured image not showing?

Some common solutions for fixing a WordPress featured image not showing include clearing your website cache, regenerating thumbnails, and checking for any errors in your media library. You can also try re-uploading the featured image and ensuring that it meets the recommended size and format requirements.

Should I seek professional help if my WordPress featured image is not showing?

If you have tried troubleshooting the issue on your own and are still unable to resolve the problem, it may be beneficial to seek professional help. A WordPress developer or support specialist can help identify and fix any underlying issues that may be causing your featured image not to show.