
How to Remove Powered by WordPress?


As a web development company CEO, it’s important to understand the various elements that contribute to the overall appearance and functionality of a website. One such element is the “Powered by WordPress” text that is often displayed in the footer of WordPress websites. While WordPress is a popular and powerful platform for building websites, some website owners may want to remove this text for branding or aesthetic reasons. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why someone might want to remove the “Powered by WordPress” text and provide a brief overview of the steps involved in doing so.

Explanation of “Powered by WordPress”

The “Powered by WordPress” text is a default attribution that appears in the footer of websites built using the WordPress platform. It serves as a way to acknowledge and promote the use of WordPress as the content management system for the website. While some website owners may be proud to display this attribution, others may prefer to remove it in order to maintain a more professional or branded appearance for their website.

Reasons to Remove “Powered by WordPress”

There are several reasons why someone might want to remove the “Powered by WordPress” text from their website. One common reason is to create a more custom and branded look for the website, without any external platform attributions. Additionally, some website owners may want to remove the text for SEO purposes, as it can be seen as unnecessary keyword dilution. Others may simply want to have full control over the content and appearance of their website’s footer.

Steps to Remove “Powered by WordPress”

The process of removing the “Powered by WordPress” text from a website involves a few simple steps. First, you will need to access the WordPress dashboard and navigate to the theme editor. From there, you can locate the footer.php file and remove or modify the code that displays the “Powered by WordPress” text. It’s important to proceed with caution and make a backup of your website before making any changes to the theme files.

Editing the Footer.php File

Once you have located the footer.php file in the theme editor, you can open it and search for the code that generates the “Powered by WordPress” text. This code is typically found within the footer section of the file. You can then choose to either delete the code entirely or modify it to display custom text or branding.

Testing and Finalizing

After making the necessary changes to the footer.php file, it’s important to save the file and then preview your website to ensure that the “Powered by WordPress” text has been successfully removed. You may also want to clear your website’s cache and perform additional testing to ensure that the changes have been applied across all pages of your website. Once you are satisfied with the results, you can finalize the process by saving your changes and updating your website.

Accessing the WordPress Dashboard

As a web developer, it’s important to know how to access the WordPress dashboard in order to manage and customize your website. The dashboard is where you can control everything from the design and layout to the content and functionality of your site.

Instructions on how to log in to the WordPress dashboard

To log in to the WordPress dashboard, you will need to go to the login page of your website. This can typically be accessed by adding “/wp-admin” to the end of your website’s URL (e.g. Once you reach the login page, you can enter your username and password to access the dashboard.

Explanation of where to find the “Appearance” section in the dashboard

Once you have successfully logged in to the WordPress dashboard, you will see a menu on the left-hand side of the screen. The “Appearance” section can be found in this menu, and it is where you can customize the design and layout of your website. Within the “Appearance” section, you will find options to change your theme, customize your site’s header and footer, and manage widgets and menus.

Accessing the footer.php File in the WordPress Theme Editor

To access the footer.php file in the WordPress theme editor, you will need to log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the “Appearance” section. From there, click on “Editor” to access the theme files. Once in the theme editor, you can locate the footer.php file in the list of template files on the right-hand side. Click on the footer.php file to begin editing.

Locating and Removing the “Powered by WordPress” Text

After accessing the footer.php file, you can use the search function (Ctrl + F) to locate the “Powered by WordPress” text within the code. Once you have found the text, you can simply delete it from the file. Alternatively, you can replace the text with your own custom footer message or copyright information. Be sure to save your changes before exiting the theme editor.

Best Practices for Editing the footer.php File

When editing the footer.php file, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure that your changes do not negatively impact the functionality of your website. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
– Make a backup of the footer.php file before making any changes, so you can easily revert back if needed.
– Avoid making unnecessary changes to the code, as this can lead to errors or issues with your website.
– Test your changes on a staging site or local environment before implementing them on your live website.
– Consider using a child theme to make customizations, as this will prevent your changes from being overwritten when the theme is updated.

Customizing the Footer in WordPress

In addition to removing the “Powered by WordPress” text, you can further customize the footer of your WordPress website by adding additional content or functionality. This can include adding social media icons, a newsletter signup form, or custom links. You can do this by editing the footer.php file or by using widgets and plugins to add custom content to the footer area.


By following these steps, you can easily access the footer.php file in the WordPress theme editor and make customizations to the footer of your website. Whether you want to remove the “Powered by WordPress” text or add custom content, the footer.php file provides a flexible way to customize the footer of your WordPress website.

Using a Plugin

Plugins are a great way to extend the functionality of your WordPress website without having to write custom code. One common task that many website owners want to accomplish is removing the “Powered by WordPress” text from their site. In this blog post, we will discuss how to use a plugin to achieve this.

Explanation of how to use a plugin to remove the “Powered by WordPress” text

To remove the “Powered by WordPress” text from your website, you can use a plugin such as “Remove “Powered by WordPress””. After installing and activating the plugin, you can navigate to the settings page and simply check a box to remove the text. This process is simple and does not require any coding knowledge, making it accessible to all WordPress users.

Recommendations for popular plugins that can help with this task

There are several popular plugins that can help with removing the “Powered by WordPress” text. Some of these include:
– Remove “Powered by WordPress”: This plugin is simple and straightforward, allowing users to easily remove the text with just a few clicks.
– WP Remove “Powered by”: Another popular option, this plugin offers additional customization options for removing the “Powered by WordPress” text, such as replacing it with custom text or a logo.
– Remove Footer Credit: While not specifically designed for removing the “Powered by WordPress” text, this plugin offers the ability to remove or customize any footer credit, including the WordPress attribution.

By using one of these popular plugins, you can quickly and easily remove the “Powered by WordPress” text from your website, giving it a more professional and customized appearance.

Can I remove “Powered by WordPress” from my website?

Yes, you can remove “Powered by WordPress” from your website by editing the footer.php file in your WordPress theme or by using a plugin specifically designed for this purpose.

Will removing “Powered by WordPress” affect my website’s functionality?

No, removing “Powered by WordPress” will not affect your website’s functionality. It is simply a visual change to the footer of your website and will not impact how your website operates.

Is it legal to remove “Powered by WordPress” from my website?

Yes, it is legal to remove “Powered by WordPress” from your website. WordPress is an open-source software, and you have the freedom to modify it to suit your needs, including removing the “Powered by WordPress” attribution.

Are there any potential drawbacks to removing “Powered by WordPress”?

One potential drawback is that removing “Powered by WordPress” may make it more difficult for others to identify the platform your website is built on. This could be important for networking and support purposes within the WordPress community.