
How to Change Author in WordPress?

Why Change the Author in WordPress?

Changing the author in WordPress may be necessary for a variety of reasons. For example, if a different person has taken over a blog, it may be important to update the author information to reflect the new owner. Additionally, if a guest author has contributed a post, it is important to properly attribute the content to the correct individual.

Steps to Change the Author in WordPress

1. Login to WordPress Dashboard: The first step in changing the author of a post is to log in to the WordPress dashboard using your administrator credentials.

2. Edit the Post: Once logged in, navigate to the post you wish to change the author for and click on the “Edit” button to open the post editor.

3. Locate the Author Box: Within the post editor, locate the author box, which typically appears on the right-hand side of the screen. Here, you will see the current author’s name and a drop-down menu to select a new author.

4. Select the New Author: Use the drop-down menu to select the new author for the post. If the desired author is not listed, you may need to add them as a user in the WordPress dashboard before proceeding.

5. Update the Post: After selecting the new author, be sure to save your changes by clicking the “Update” button to ensure that the author information is properly updated.

Considerations for Changing the Author

When changing the author of a post in WordPress, it is important to consider the implications of this action. For example, the new author will be attributed as the creator of the content, so it is crucial to ensure that the correct individual is selected. Additionally, if the new author is not already a user in the WordPress dashboard, it will be necessary to add them before making the change.

Accessing the Post Editor

Accessing the post editor in WordPress is a simple process that can be done through the dashboard or by clicking on the specific post in the “Posts” section. To access the post editor through the dashboard, simply log in to your WordPress account and navigate to the “Posts” section on the left-hand side. From there, you can click on “Add New” to create a new post or click on an existing post to edit it.

Accessing the Post Editor

If you prefer to access the post editor by clicking on a specific post, you can do so by navigating to the “Posts” section in the dashboard and clicking on the title of the post you wish to edit. This will open the post editor for that specific post, allowing you to make any necessary changes or updates.

Explanation of Author Information

Within the post editor, you can find the author information in the “Document” tab on the right-hand side of the screen. Here, you will see the name of the author who created the post, as well as the option to change the author if needed. This is useful for multi-author blogs or websites where multiple contributors may be creating content.

Explanation of Author Information

In addition to the author information, the “Document” tab also provides other important details such as the post status, visibility, and publishing options. This tab is where you can set the post to be published immediately or schedule it for a later date, as well as adjust the visibility settings to make the post public, private, or password-protected.

Explanation of Author Information

Furthermore, the “Document” tab allows you to add categories and tags to the post, which can help organize and categorize your content for easier navigation and searchability. You can also set a featured image for the post, which will be displayed prominently when the post is shared on social media or other platforms.

Explanation of Author Information

Overall, accessing the post editor in WordPress is a straightforward process that allows you to easily create and manage your content. By understanding where to find the author information and other important details within the post editor, you can effectively customize and optimize your posts for your website or blog.

Changing the Author in WordPress

Changing the author of a post in WordPress is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Whether you need to reassign a post to a different team member or add a new author to your website, WordPress makes it easy to manage authorship.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. First, log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the “Posts” section.
2. Find the post you want to change the author for and click on “Edit.”
3. Once in the post editor, look for the “Author” box on the right-hand side of the screen.
4. Click on the drop-down menu to select the new author from the list of existing users on your website.
5. If the new author does not already exist in the system, you can click on “Add New” to create a new user profile for them.

Updating Author Information

After changing the author of a post, it’s important to ensure that the new author’s information is updated as well. This includes their bio, profile picture, and any other relevant details that may appear alongside their posts.

Tips for Updating Author Information

– Encourage new authors to complete their user profiles with a bio, social media links, and a profile picture to personalize their authorship.
– Use a plugin or theme that supports author boxes to display the new author’s information alongside their posts.
– Regularly review and update author information to keep it current and relevant to your audience.

By following these steps and tips, you can easily change the author of a post in WordPress and ensure that the new author’s information is updated and displayed correctly on your website.

Bulk Editing Posts in WordPress

Bulk editing posts in WordPress can save you a significant amount of time and effort, especially when you need to make changes to multiple posts at once. One common task is changing the author for multiple posts, and WordPress makes it easy to do so using the bulk editing feature.

Selecting Multiple Posts

To begin bulk editing posts, you first need to select the posts you want to edit. You can do this by navigating to the “Posts” section in your WordPress dashboard and checking the boxes next to the posts you want to edit. You can also use filters and search options to narrow down the posts you want to edit.

Using the “Edit” Option

Once you have selected the posts you want to edit, you can use the “Edit” option from the bulk actions dropdown menu. This will bring up a bulk edit panel where you can make changes to multiple posts simultaneously.

Changing the Author for Multiple Posts

In the bulk edit panel, you can easily change the author for multiple posts by selecting the new author from the dropdown menu. Once you have made the necessary changes, simply click the “Update” button to apply the changes to all the selected posts.

Benefits of Bulk Editing

Bulk editing posts in WordPress can save you time and streamline your workflow. Whether you need to change the author, category, tags, or other post attributes, the bulk editing feature allows you to make changes to multiple posts at once, eliminating the need to edit each post individually.

Best Practices for Bulk Editing

When using the bulk editing feature, it’s important to double-check your changes before applying them to ensure that everything is correct. Additionally, it’s a good idea to create a backup of your website before making bulk changes to posts, especially if you are making significant modifications.


Bulk editing posts in WordPress is a powerful tool that can help you efficiently manage and update your website’s content. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily change the author for multiple posts at once, saving you time and effort in the process.

How do I change the author of a post in WordPress?

To change the author of a post in WordPress, you can simply edit the post and select a different author from the “Author” dropdown menu in the “Publish” meta box on the right-hand side of the post editor.

Can I change the author of multiple posts at once in WordPress?

Yes, you can change the author of multiple posts at once in WordPress by using the “Bulk Edit” feature. Simply select the posts you want to edit, click on the “Bulk Actions” dropdown menu, choose “Edit,” and then select the new author from the “Author” dropdown menu.

What if the author I want to assign to a post doesn’t exist in WordPress?

If the author you want to assign to a post doesn’t exist in WordPress, you can create a new user with the desired author name and then assign the post to that user.

Is it possible to change the author of a post without logging into WordPress?

Unfortunately, changing the author of a post in WordPress requires you to have access to the WordPress admin dashboard, so you will need to log in to make this change.

Can I change the author of a post without affecting the post’s publishing date or other metadata?

Yes, changing the author of a post in WordPress does not affect the post’s publishing date or other metadata. The only thing that will change is the author name associated with the post.